Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of the West Jefferson Hills School
District will hold a special public hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:30 PM. The
purpose of the hearing will be to present the Administration’s recommendation regarding the
application to open Dogwood Charter School in the West Jefferson Hills School District and
to accept additional testimony from the charter applicant. The hearing will be held in the LGI
Room at the Thomas Jefferson High School, 830 Old Clairton Road, Jefferson Hills, PA
15025. Members of the public will also be afforded the opportunity to offer public comment
regarding the proposed charter school. Members of the public desiring to speak during the
special public hearing shall be required to sign up in advance. Please contact Elise Dopudja
at 412-655-8450 x 2225 by 1:00 PM on the hearing date to sign up to speak. For purposes of
this special public hearing, the applicant shall be allotted twenty (20) minutes to present
testimony and its response to the Administration’s recommendation, and members of the
public who sign up in advance will be permitted to provide up to three (3) minutes of public
comment each.
Anyone needing ADA special arrangements to attend the meetings should contact 412-655-
8450 x 2225 prior to the meeting.
Tracy Harris
Board Secretary