Voice Recognition

WJH Foundation for Education

The West Jefferson Hills Foundation for Education provides a supplemental funding source to further enhance and enrich student educational opportunities. 
Through community engagement, the Foundation strives to create an environment where every student may achieve their highest potential through our support of fundamental and innovative programs to enhance personalized and real-world learning.
The goals of the Foundation are directly aligned with the district’s set of core values and will support the mission by:
• Providing staff with funding opportunities for unique, engaging and real-world learning experiences for students
• Funding outreach programs which promote inclusion 
• Building sustainable relations and valuable partnerships with businesses and organizations within the community
• Creating awareness of the West Jefferson Hills Foundation for Education 
There are several ways that you can support our mission including a direct, tax-deductible monetary donation to the Foundation:
  • Click here to donate directly through our online giving portal.
  • Make a contribution through your employer’s United Way Contributor Choice Campaign utilizing the Contributor Choice Code #1462189. All monetary donations to the Foundation are tax deductible under IRC Section 501(c)(3)
  • Purchase a commemorative stadium brick
 For more information on the Foundation, please contact [email protected].

Connect With Us
Please provide your name and email address to receive news and announcements from the Foundation.

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To validate your submission, please answer the following math problem:

7 + 3 =
TJ School Spirit Blankets
We are offering these amazing, student-designed, NubaySoft â„¢ D-Luxe Stadium Blankets! By using your blankets at home, at the park, or at the game, we hope you feel connected to our schools and community. Your support will help the WJH Foundation for Education by enhancing and enriching the educational opportunities of  the WJHSD students!  It's always a great day to be a Jaguar!
Order now!  Blankets are only $65 each.  Click here to place your order!  

The Foundation's BOD is comprised of the following Community Members, WJHSD School Board of Directors and Administrators:
Mrs. Carolyn Bourgeois - President
Mrs. Maria Inks - Vice President
Mrs. Lisa Florian - Secretary 
Mrs. Gayle Manculich - Treasurer
Mrs. Suzanne Downer - School Board Vice President
Dr. Janet Sardon - Superintendent of Schools 

