Voice Recognition
GHES PTA Reflections honorees
GHES students ready for a fun day of learning
GHES Read Across America Week
GHES Field Day Fun
GHES Holiday Concert
GHES 100 Days activity
GHES students making holiday stockings for heroes
Thankful for our Veterans
Earth Day
GHES Kids of Steel
GHES/TJ Pen Pals Activity
Gill Hall Elementary
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Gill Hall Elementary

829 Gill Hall Road
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025
Phone: 412-655-4732
Fax: 412-655-3888
Principal: Adam Zunic 

News and Announcements


DJZ Rock was at Gill Hall on September 8th to share with Students about being Rock Stars.  Students can receive a Rock Star Slip when they are caught doing a Rock Star Performance:
R = Respect Others
O = Obey All Rules
C = Care about one Another
K = Keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves

Slips are entered into Grade Level Guitars and once a month one name from each homeroom is pulled as the Rock Star of the Month and all winners have a special Donut Morning with a Parent as a reward.
More +


Upcoming Events

Tues., Feb. 4:  100th Day of School
Tues., Feb. 4:  7:00pm - PTA Meeting
Tues., Feb. 11:  Sweet Treat Sale Pick Up of Barton's Items - 5-7pm
Wed., Feb. 12:  KG Dental Exams, for those previously signed up
Fri., Feb. 14:  Friendship Parties, 1:30pm

Mon., Feb. 17:  President's Day - NO School

Learning Resources