Voice Recognition

Health Services

Health Services

Welcome to the West Jefferson Hills School District Health Services website. The School Health Program at WJHSD is staffed with Certified School Nurses at each of the school buildings. The School Nurse cares for the health of the students in illness and injuries and refers parents/guardians to the appropriate medical provider when applicable.The School Nurse communicates and collaborates with parents/guardians, Administration, Principal, Teachers, School Counselors and Social Workers for the health and safety of the student. The School Nurse is responsible to verify completion of Pa. State and A.C.H.D. immunization requirements and report compliance to both agencies. The School Nurse provides yearly screening in grades KDG thru 12 according to the PA State guidelines in vision, hearing, H/W/BMI.
Please contact your child's School Nurse with any health concerns, questions and updates to your child’s existing medical needs.

Our Nurses

Ashley Bellovich RN BSN CSN
Thomas Jefferson High School
412-655-8610 x6237
Holly Kosanovich RN BSN CSN
McClellan Elementary School
412-655-2700 x3223
Diane McGrady RN BSN CSN
Jefferson Hills Intermediate School
412-655-4163 x4226
Kristine Metro RN BSN CSN
Pleasant Hills Middle School
412-655-8680 x7229
Michelle Flinn RN BSN CSN
Gill Hall Elementary School
412-655-4732 x5223

Health Requirements

Health Forms


All incoming kindergarten students are required to have their blood lead levels tested prior to entering school. Click here to download the form. Click here to read Blood Lead Level Testing FAQs for parents.

Flu Guide for Parents

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information about the flu epidemic.

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

CHIP covers uninsured children and teens through age 19 - regardless of family income. Click here for additional information or visit their website at: https://www.chipcoverspakids.com/Pages/default.aspx

Board Policies