Voice Recognition

Message from School Board

Message from the School Board

 As elected officials of the West Jefferson Hills School District, we would like to thank you for entrusting us to advocate for you and your children. We understand the impact of our decisions and how they directly affect you, the community at large, and the academic future of our students. With this in mind, we have, as a board of ten, publicly pledged to abide by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association’s Standards for Effective Board Governance and Code of Conduct for School Directors by adopting these Standards as Board policy and recommitting to follow them annually.
In order to remind ourselves of the need for ongoing collaborative team effort in our decision-making, we have taken the additional measure of incorporating detailed Commitments for Cooperation for acceptable behavior in our role as School Directors. We have pledged to perform our elected duties with our vision of a shared partnership with the other essential members of our team: our district administration, faculty, staff, and you, our community members. We discourage micromanaging and personal agendas. We have encouraged open and honest communication among ourselves, our staff, our administration, and our community. We have also outlined a Chain of Command for addressing your concerns, which offers direction for parents and students when a situation, issue, or unresolved question arises. This Chain of Command also offers conformity and continuity in dealing with a question or concern so as to encourage fair and equal treatment and to eliminate the opportunity for preference.

The following details the recommended Chain of Command Process:
  1. Document the situation
  2. Notify the teacher If not satisfied with the outcome, notify the building principal
  3. If the situation remains unresolved, notify the Assistant Superintendent or the Superintendent
If the issue continues to remain unresolved, please document the details of the situation and request that copies of such documentation be provided to all members of the Board so that all School Directors have access to the details of the matter

We hope this information proves useful to you and your family, and we would like to thank you for your sustained commitment as essential members of the West Jefferson Hills School District team. We, serving on the Board of School Directors, remain steadfast in our focus on our students as they continue in their pursuit of academic achievements and educational excellence. We pledge that the goal of student achievement will continue to be the focus of every decision we make. Thank you for your continued support of these efforts, for together, we can accomplish “whatever it takes” to make a difference in our children’s lives.


Dr. Janet Sardon,  Superintendent
Kimberley Finnerty, Board President
Suzanne Downer, Board 1st Vice President
Christopher Zacur, Board 2nd Vice President
Dave Dominick 
Denise Kahler
Ashley Malley
Anthony Rash
Adam Rice
Kristin Shoemaker

Click here to view the most current Joint Statement of Unity and Support signed by the Board Members on January 25, 2022.