Dear West Jefferson Hills Families,
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and in good spirits. We continue to think of our students and their families during the pandemic and look forward to the day when we can return to the schools and restart relationships. In the meantime, we wanted to provide you with an update on the first three weeks of online learning.
The average daily attendance for our 3,100 students is 94%.
1,761 surveys were completed last week. Overall, we are very pleased with the results and thank all of those who took the time to provide feedback so we can continually improve upon our program. Please take a moment to view the survey results by clicking here.
Strengths of online instruction included some of the following:
Teacher/Administration communication and responsiveness to students is timely and meaningful.
Lessons are engaging with reasonable workloads and expectations.
Results showed an appreciation for the quick start-up of online learning resulting in a reduced gap in learning for students.
Opportunities to improve online instruction included some of the following:
Improve the Google platform with the use of iPads in grades K-2.
Provide students with opportunities for “live” instruction and social interaction.
Clarify grading expectations for all grade levels.
Provide clear instructions for verifying assignments have been completed. Click here for the “how-to” guide.
Our principals continue to review each comment provided in the survey to identify additional areas of improvement. If your specific concern is not addressed or resolved satisfactorily, please contact the appropriate building principal by clicking here.
Finally, we are pleased to announce the official name for our online learning program. Over seventy-five suggested names were provided by students, families and the community. District administrators narrowed the final selection to three names which were then voted on by the community. With 113 votes submitted, our online learning program will now be known as JagWire.
Thank you for your continued support of JagWire and please help us sustain the momentum thus far by continually encouraging your student(s) in online learning. While nothing compares to the in-person instruction our team provides, everyone is doing their very best to support students and families. Knowing you are there with us as partners means more to us than ever before.
In the future, we will provide another survey to collect your feedback. Until then, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or any member of our WJHSD team if we can be of assistance. We are here to serve you and your family. Take care, be well and be together.

Dr. Michael Ghilani Scott Milburn Matthew Patterson
Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
Secondary Education Elementary Education
Message from the WJHSD Board of Directors
COVID-19 Updates and Information
School and Staff Email Directories
Please use the links below to learn more about our Online Instruction Framework:
Grades K-5 Online Instruction
Grades 6-8 Online Instruction
Grades 9-12 Online Instruction
Students Receiving Special Education and Related Services
Technology FAQs for Online Instruction
Technology Support
Phone: Live - 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., Monday - Friday: (412) 650-9237
Email: 8:00AM until 4:00PM, Monday - Friday: [email protected]