Dear WJHSD Families,
Effective Monday, March 30, 2020, the District will transition to an online format for the delivery of instruction for all students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. To support WJHSD families during this extended closure, the District has developed a comprehensive webpage (link below) to provide families with up-to-date educational information.
The District recognizes that students and families are experiencing new and potentially challenging circumstances during this time. The entire team at WJHSD is committed to providing engaging educational activities designed to support families with online instruction. Also, administrators, faculty, and staff are available during the school week to support your efforts as your child’s teacher in the home. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our school district team if we can be of assistance.
Virtual classrooms for each teacher have been created using Google Classroom. Here, teachers will post learning activities, resources, and instructional videos for students to access at home. Students in grades 3-12 have been using Google Classroom throughout the year and many students are already familiar with this format of communication. Instructions, support, and resources will be provided to parents of children in Kindergarten through Grade 2 in the use of Google Classroom.
Please note, “live” or “synchronous” instruction will not be occurring, except in limited cases, with students during the first week of online instruction. This means the use of Google Hangout, Zoom or other programs designed for group/individual online meets will not take place for instructional purposes. The District is in the process of developing guidance for teachers and related service providers to open these tools for learning in the coming weeks. Parents will be provided an opportunity to “opt-out” of participating in "live,” recorded, interactive sessions with their teacher(s) and classmates. More information will be shared soon.
Finally, individual teachers and building principals will be sharing additional information with parents, guardians, and students over the next several days. This communication will be sent via email and/or Google Classroom. Please support the efforts of our team by replying to their messages so they know you and your child are receiving them. We know they will appreciate hearing from you.
Thank you for all of your hard work, care and efforts to support learning in the home. Please keep in touch with your child’s teacher(s) about his/her learning experience. You may also use the feedback link below. Your continued support and pride in the West Jefferson Hills School District is appreciated. Together, #WErTJ.
Scott Milburn
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Matt Patterson
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education