Voice Recognition

Grades 9-12 Online Instruction Framework

Grades 9-12 Online Instruction Framework

Student Role:

  • Access Google Classroom through Clever or:  www.clever.com/in/wjhsd 

  • Record your attendance for the day by visiting the “Principal’s Office”

  • Promise to complete your work in the very best way you can by signing the “Promissory Note for Students”.  You only need to do this once.  

  • Pick your teacher’s class according to the schedule for the day to see what they have waiting for you!

Parent Role:

  • Be sure your child records their daily attendance at the “Principal’s Office.”  

  • Promise to support your child in the completion of online coursework by completing the “Promissory Note for Parents.”  You only need to do this once.  

  • Contact your child’s teacher(s) if you need assistance with anything.  Office Hours are designed to support you with home learning. Our faculty and staff are here for you!  

Teacher Role:

  • Create lessons and add them to the corresponding Google Classroom according to the Instructional Schedule.

  • The lesson itself and any extension work related to the lesson will not exceed 30 minutes per subject. 

  • Be available to support families and students by phone or email during “Office Hours.” 

  • Contact the family of any students not engaged in learning activities.