All of the following links were found either by teachers, students, or the makers of this site to be fun and appropriate for the students of Gill Hall School. Please Note: Following any of the links will take you away from the official Gill Hall Elementary School web site. These links are provided only as a convenience. The West Jefferson Hills School District cannot accept any responsibility for the content contained in any of these links. Enjoy!
- Harcourt Brace: Visit the Learning Site on line to practice math activities that complement the Harcourt Brace Math Curriculum
- Houghton Mifflin Education Place Social Studies-related resources that include textbook support, an interactive geography game, outline maps, and Current Event
- Encyclopedia Britannica On line encyclopedia, helpful with research projects
- Galenet On line encyclopedia, helpful with research projects.
- Yahooligans A cool search engine designed just for kids
- Puzzlemaker This site helps to make many kinds of puzzle, like mazes and crosswords
- Kidport Math, Science, Social Studies and more
Have fun while learning!