Voice Recognition
WJHSD Hall of Fame Class of 2025 Induction Banquet Presented by U.S. Steel - Saturday, April 12, Visit www.wjhsd.net/HallOfFame for Details & Tickets
TJ Theater Presents Shrek the Musical March 13, 14, 15 at 7 pm and March 16 at Noon and 6 p.m. Online ticket presale begins Tuesday, February 18 at 8 am
TJ Gymnastics wins 2025 WPIAL Championship
TJ Cheerleaders win state championship
Snow falls at Thomas Jefferson High School
Pleasant Hills Middle School: School to Watch
TJ Football Team with WPIAL Football Championship Trophy
Go Jaguars!
Two kindergarten students wear hats that say fire safety expert standing next to a fire truck
Scenes from the 2024 Thomas Jefferson High School Homecoming Game including cheerleaders, the band, football players, and the Homecoming Queen
The 2024 Homecoming Court standing on the football field
Students smile on the playground on the first day of school
Principal Zunic walks a student into school on the first day of school
Students work at their desks on the first day of school
Students walk into Pleasant Hills Middle School on the first day of school
TJ Students walk into school on the first day
TJHS A Cappella Choir Performs with Foreigner
McClellan Diversity Day
TJ Class of 2024 Graduation

Special Education

SAP Newsletters

Please click here to view the most recent SAP Bi-Monthly Outreach Flyer.
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Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Webinars

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is hosting webinars to give all interested persons the opportunity to voice ideas for updating and improving the Consolidated, Community Living and P/FDS waivers.  Registration is required for each session.


Due to limited space, we ask that you only register for one session which is most pertinent to your role or involvement with the waivers. Participants can participate in webinar sessions by phone. When registering for the session, you must indicate that you would like to voice your ideas. 


The following are the dates, times and registration links and intended audience for each of the webinars:



Date and Time

Registration Link

All Stakeholders

August 6, 2021

10am to 11:30am



Families – Northeast Region


August 10, 2021

1pm to 2:30pm




Families – Southeast Region


August 13, 2021

9am to 10:30am





August 13, 2021

2pm to 3:30pm





August 19, 2021

2pm to 3pm




Families – Central Region


August 23, 2021

10am to 11:30am






August 27, 2021

11am to 12pm


To Be Announced


Families – Western Region


August 30, 2021

1pm to 2:30pm




All Stakeholders


August 31, 2021

2pm to 3:30pm



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This is a Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer turpis justo, congue sit amet velit ac, rhoncus maximus sem. Aliquam eget urna venenatis, tincidunt magna maximus, ullamcorper dolor. Nulla malesuada sed nisi eget maximus. Curabitur ac gravida purus. Nunc eros ante, semper non eleifend sit amet, tristique sit amet orci. Nam urna augue, dapibus vel tincidunt ultrices, malesuada eget nulla. Pellentesque ut nulla placerat, consequat velit eu, dignissim velit. Sed justo turpis, volutpat non massa id, euismod viverra tellus. Proin ex nisi, semper in est at, molestie tempor odio. Ut pulvinar molestie hendrerit. Donec cursus magna nec augue suscipit, eu efficitur nulla fringilla. Nam consequat mollis tincidunt. Donec mollis ante non risus viverra pulvinar. Curabitur aliquet arcu vel augue cursus, non scelerisque felis placerat. Donec posuere vel felis id porttitor. Aliquam sit amet nulla quis eros ornare sollicitudin. Ut eu vestibulum libero, sit amet porta dui. Nunc venenatis sollicitudin rhoncus. Etiam porta tellus diam, eget luctus erat maximus ut. Etiam porttitor leo lacus, at laoreet turpis semper in. Sed sed ultricies magna, sit amet venenatis mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas luctus feugiat dui eu finibus.


We are proud to offer the PAES Program to our students beginning the winter of 2021!  A classroom at Thomas Jefferson High School has been transformed into the "Jaguar Job Lab" where students become employees and teachers become employers. The PAES Lab assesses a student's competitive work potential and interest level, while simultaneously exploring various jobs, using real tools, and developing proper work behaviors in the following five areas: Computer Technology, Constructions/Industrial, Processing/Production, Consumer/Service, and Business/Marketing. Click here for additional information on the PAES Lab at TJ.