As the winter season approaches, including inclement weather, there is a possibility of a need for school delays or cancellations. As a school district, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has approved the use of Flexible Instructional Days (FID) for the district for the 2024-2025 school year. This program allows for students to receive instruction from home on days when the school is closed due to inclement weather or another emergency situation.
As a district, we are approved for up to five (5) FID per school year. If the district would need to close due to inclement weather/emergency, notification will occur via phone alerts, email, TV/Radio announcements, district website and social media. These alerts will notify you we are using a FID. These days are asynchronous, and the work can be completed anytime during the day. Teachers will continue to have live office hours if students have a question or need help. The time of the office hours will be posted on Canvas. During the day, teachers are also available through email correspondence. The days used for FID do not need to be made up during the school year.
Below are some important notes about FID:
- Each FID, students will have access to assignments that must be completed to count towards a school day.
- Students will use their class Canvas pages to access instructions and assignments for FID.
- As a backup, if you do not have access to the internet or lose electricity, the students in Grades 3-12 will have a folder in their Google Drive which has been set up for offline access. Students in Grades K-2 will have been given a take-home packet for each day.
- Each child will be temporarily marked present on a FID under PA Code Article XIII. The completion of the FID assignment submitted to the teacher will be used to verify attendance for the day. Failure to turn in assignments will affect the grade, as well as the student attendance.
If you have any questions regarding the FID process, please feel free to contact me, or any building-level administrator, for assistance.
Thank you for your continued support of our schools and students. Stay safe and warm this winter!