Voice Recognition

Scheduling/Course Selection

Scheduling 24-25

The scheduling process for the 2024-25 school year is underway. Counselors will meet with all students during PLTs to give an overview of the scheduling process. 
  • February 26th PLT A - Current 11th Grade
  • February 27th PLT A - Current 10th Grade
  • February 28th PLT A - Current 9th Grade

Students will have the window from February 21st - March 1st to select elective courses for the 24-25 school year. Students will also be able to stop in during PLT to discuss scheduling options for next year.

All students need to schedule for 7 credits and choose 4 alternate courses through Skyward. This needs to be completed by March 1st.

The program of studies has video descriptions of every course offered at TJHS.

If you have questions about scheduling, feel free to reach out to your child's school counselor and we'll be happy to help.

-Mrs. Yeager, Mrs. Slater & Mr. Kilcoyne

Program of Studies

Program Of Studies 2024-2025 Final - Learn more about the courses that are offered with video descriptions of each course. Career cluster information is included and recommended courses within each career cluster can help guide scheduling options. 

Skyward Scheduling Walk Through


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Override Form

 Students and families that choose to override a teacher recommendation will have to complete this form and attend a meeting with administration. Override 2425

Steel Center Information

Any student who wants to attend Steel Center next year should apply by March 31st on the Steel Center website: Steel Center Application.

Students already enrolled at Steel Center do not need to re-apply.

Applying for Steel Center does not guarantee placement into Steel Center. Students can select the Steel Center program they are applying to in their Skyward schedule, but it is very important to also choose alternate courses as not all of our students who apply to Steel Center will be accepted there.

Notification of acceptance into Steel Center will be sent to you directly in April or May.